Pigments for ring inlays and casting

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Black Diamond pigments perfect for ring inlays and casting

Each color is 2 or 5 grams by weight and sealed in individual resealable packs

Packs have 10 colors per pack ( 5 grams per color, total of 50 grams per pack ) 

Super Packs have 26 colors per pack ( 2 grams per color, total of 52 grams per Super pack ) 

Pack 715 ; Aluminium, Liquid Metal Pearl, Bora Bora Blue, Ghost Satin Green, Pure White, Silver Pearl, Black Onyx, Roman Gold, Hunter Green, Gold/ Orange

Pack 731 ; Kiwi, Merlot, Liquid Fire, IR Green, Black Onyx, Gold/Orange, Ghost Gold Pearl, Green Envy, Roman Gold, Lux Green

Pack 738 ; Scarlet, Purple Haze, Diamond Gold, Striling Orange, Silver Pearl, Pink Pearl, Jungle Green, Burple, Liquid Fire, Ghost Satin Red

Pack 760 ; Deep Blue Sea, Emerald Green, Green Envy, Black Onyx, Silver Pearl, Pure Gold, IR Blue, Pure Pearl White, Purple Haze, Imperial Red

Pack 764 ; Lux Blue, Black Diamond, Diamond Gold, Diamond Liquid Fire, Diamond Deep Blue Sea, White Diamond Effect, Ghost Copper Pearl, Copper Penny, Blue Slate, Diamond Battleship Grey

Pack 765 ; Lux Violet, Sparkling Merlot, Ghost Blue Pearl, Purple Haze Diamond Effect, Cobalt Blue, Aztec Gold, Red Glitter, Jungle Green, Silver Pearl, Golden Indigo

Pack 768 ; (Sapphire Ghost Blue) (Ghost Copper Pearl) (Ghost Satin Green) (Ghost Gold Pearl) (Ghost Red Pearl) (Ghost Blue Pearl) (Ghost Satin Violet) (Intense Ghost Blue) (Ghost Diamond Green) (Ghost Diamond Blue)

Pack 769 ; (Purple Galaxy) (Golden Galaxy) (Turquoise Galaxy) (Bermuda Blue Galaxy) (Imperial Purple Galaxy) (Ruby Red Galaxy) (Titanium Galaxy) (Light Blue Galaxy) (Starry Night) (Holographic Galaxy) 

 Pack 770 ; (Copper Penny) (Enchanted Forest) (Liberty Copper) (Dragons Breath) (Aztec Gold) (Gold/Orange) (Satin Gold) (Hazelnut) (Purple Haze) (Ghost Blue)

Pack 771 ; (Fire Brick Red) (Glitter Blue) (Glitter Starry Night) (Diamond Aluminum) (Green Apple) (Lux Turquoise) (The Midas Touch) (Kiwi) (Savage) (Bora Bora Blue) (Medieval Copper)

Pack 772 ; (Deep Blue Sea) (Blue Slate) (Midnight Blue) (Burple) (IR Blue) (Caribbean Blue) (Lux Blue) (Blue/ Green) (Cambridge Blue)

Pack 773 ; (Maple Honey Dew) (Golden Indigo) (Golden Purple Rain) (Sahara Sunset) (Deep Blue Sea) (Battleship Grey) (Blue/ Green) (Pure Pearl White) (Silver Pearl) (Black Onyx) 

Pack 780 ; (Lux Violet) (Lux Green) (Lux Blue) (Lux Blue Mauve) (Lux Turquoise) (Lux Deep Sea Blue) (Lux Blue Violet) (Lux Gold) (Lux White) (Lux Bronze)

Pack 781 ; (Sparkling Merlot) (Black Diamond) (Vivid Diamond Orange) (Diamond Emerald Green) (Diamond Purple Haze) (Diamond Battleship Grey) (Diamond Aluminum (Diamond Deep Blue Sea) (Diamond Kiwi) (Diamond Silver Pearl)

 Pack 796 ; Pure White, Caribbean Blue, Mahogany, Battleship Grey, Vivid Orange, Imperial Red, Tuscan Sunset, Liberty Copper, Cobalt Blue, Blue/Green

Super Pack 725 ; (Pure Gold) (Copper Penny) (Burple) (Battleship Grey) (Merlot) (Jungle Green) (Emerald Green) (Hazelnut) (Lux Turquoise) (Roman Gold) (Lux Deep Sea Blue) (Lux Emerald Green) (Iridescent Blue) (Imperial Black Onyx) (Diamond Silver Pearl) (Caribbean Blue) (Liberty Copper) (Enchanted Forest) (Stirling Orange) (Green Apple) (Cobalt Blue) (Pink Pearl) (Blue/Green Pure) (Gold Orange) (Silver Pearl) (Golden Indigo)

Super Pack 734 ; (Iridescent Blue) (Deep Blue Sea) (Blue Slate) (Royal Blue) (Midnight Blue) (Bora Bora Blue) (Vivid Orange) (Savage) (Ghost Sapphire Blue) (Purple Haze) (Liquid Fire) (Black Onyx) (Carbon Black) (Tuscan Sunset) (Kiwi) (Diamond Gold) (Mahogany) (Green Envy) (Golden Purple Rain) (Aztec Gold) (Lux Turquoise) (Iridescent Green) (Hunter Green) (Scarlet) (Aluminium) (Pure Pearl White)

  1g of pigment per 1oz of epoxy (1g per 4oz for Ghost Series). 25-50g of pigment per gallon of peelable paint. Please see pigment portion guide for help. All of these pigments are 10-60 microns. NON-TOXIC Highest Quality Mica, Titanium Dioxide - (Melting point 1200-1800°F) (pH : 6.0-9.0 4% H2O) BEST IF ADDED TO A CLEAR BASE LIQUID OVER A BLACK BASE FOR TRUE COLOR